Andes Links

This page provides links related to the Andean region of South America with a focus on archaeological and anthropological resources available on the web. Please let us know if you have suggestions for additional links. 

  • Institute of Andean Studies (IAS), UC Berkeley
    "The Institute of Andean Studies was the vision of John H. Rowe (1918–2004), who founded it in 1960. As stipulated by the articles of incorporation, the primary purpose of the Institute is “…to organize, sponsor, and assist field, museum and library research and study in archaeology, history, linguistics, ethnology and biology of the native peoples of Colombia, and of that area of South America which was formerly the Inca Empire, and which presently comprises northwestern Argentina, northern Chile, and the countries of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia..."
  • Quipu: Dedicated to Researchers of Andean archaeology
    Website of resources for Andean scholars maintained by Patricia Knobloch & Bruce Harley @ SDSU.
  • Arqueología Andina y Tiwanaku
    Website of resources maintained by Alvaro Higueras.
  • Andean Links
    "These links are to Websites on Andean society and culture, arranged by topic," compiled by Steve Froemming.
  • Culture and Society in the Andes: an Online Reader
    "This page brings together over 250 articles on Andean society and culture that are currently available in English on the Internet," compiled by Steve Froemming.
  • Ancient Andean World
    Links to publications and websites compiled and regularly updated by Mike Ruggeri.
  • Arqueobolivia
    Links to articles and projects in Bolivia compiled by Claudia Rivera & Carlos Lémuz.
  • Cholonautas: Comunidad Académica Virtual de Ciencias Sociales en el Perú
    "Un proyecto del Instituto de Estudios Peruanos que busca alentar el uso académico de internet, promover la mejora de la enseñanza en ciencias sociales, y contribuir a la articulación de la comunidad académica en el Perú y el área andina. Es un espacio de encuentro e intercambio de información entre estudiantes, docentes e investigadores de las distintas disciplinas de las ciencias sociales y otros usuarios interesados."
  • Peruvian Ministry of Culture (formerly the INC)
    "El Ministerio de Cultura es el organismo rector en materia de cultura y ejerce competencia, exclusiva y excluyente, respecto de otros niveles de gestión en todo el territorio nacional."
    Centro Cultural Virtual. (copyright 2010)